Thursday, June 10, 2004

Here it is, yesterdays promised explanation...

For the past few weeks I have been seeking to better understand myself and who I am; but not even been able to figure out where I am, let alone where I am going.
In effort to better understand myself and my situation I have been seeking counsel from those who I seek to emulate. The problem is I am emulating people who are simultaneously ahead of and behind me. I turn to people who have more education but less experience and ask about their experience, then I seek out someone with less education and more experience to ask about their education.
To make matters slightly more confusing I also find myself answering my own questions... but the answer is just the same question re-worded.
case in point:
Why are my parents still married? Because they love each other, and they love each other because they are still married.
Here's another one:
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Sorry, just kidding. At least I can still say I don't take myself too seriously, though maybe that is the root of all this... Who knows. Until I figure this out all I can say is expect more rambling, confused stream of consciousness posts about having no idea where I am or what's going on.


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