Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I love my job.
Today I was hanging out with rockstars, we shot a music video for the band Des Demona, it was just fun to watch... They're a hell of a live band. I got hit on by the lead singer, and will probably never call her. ( or maybe I will, it depends ).
Basically my job was to lift big things and be the second camera operator. Normally I do lights and other things, but today we didn't bring any of the equipment that I usually run. Essentially it was a free day. As if all this wasn't cool enough, we then sat around watching music videos and pitching movie ideas.
Depending on how well the video we just shot pays, I may buy an Xbox. I know that my posts are usually different than this one, but it suddenly struck me how cool it is that I am professionally hanging out with rockstars, and using the money I earn doing this to buy a game system. My job rules!


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