Monday, March 08, 2004

Hell hath no fury... and I dont have a long enough rope

Eh! Ignore the title, for this shall be a rant of epic proportions...
I shall feast upon the flesh of those who have spited me
call it a whim but I really think certain people I encounter in life have overwhelming animosity towards me. so being the rabblerouser that you all love I have decided that I shall feast upon their first born then sodomize their friends with fake plastic house plants!

recently the number of people who seek to piss me off has risen steadily, and the pressure accept their cruelties and turn the other cheek has left me both bare-assed and embarrassed. So I stand her red cheeked and hurt wondering why I have caused such an uproar defending my honor. Strangely none of my friends have come to my aide, as the person with whom I seek to make amends with scares them. that is right I said make amends with you see I had first sought to repair whatever breech of courtesy had brought me into their disfavor. When this did not avail I had assumed things would improve with time, but after a year I have reached my limit this very night.
I am left to wonder where my friends are and how one person could convince most everyone I know that my loyalty to them all as friends is not worth defending. They all think this person is behaving juvenilely. Yet I am left to attempt to deal with this on my own.

I apologize to my best and closest friend Ana, because I know she hates when I do this... But enough is enough.
Now for the part the rest of you have been waiting for
Upon those who would piss me off (and there are many of you), I declare a truce... you have had time to consider it... But in the spirit of good will and fair sport is shall re-extend the offer should you choose that my friendship with you to not be of importance, I find no reason to not poop in your lunch! I find the notion that no one has told you what a foul person you are to be as offensive as your very presence. I cannot help but think about how you have striven to hurt me and others with nary a restraining hand from those you keep company with...

so in the spirit of broadening you mind, I offer to stick your head in a vise. In the habit of turning the other cheek, I propose we set you upon the pedestal you think you deserve and allow those you have wronged a chance to show you how it feels to be so carelessly dropped.

A warning to those who think this doesn't apply to them:
just because I have only addressed one specific wrong in my life and you are not it, doesn't mean that I will stop with righting only this one wrong...
Even if you haven't wronged me I find the cycle of allowing bullies to flourish appalling. You shall be next on my list. As for those corporate entities that encourage such foul practices, I shall be knocking n your respective doors as well.


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