Monday, July 19, 2004

Feeling rational for once

Isn't the delete button a wonderful invention.... Now if only it would work on peoples memories as well as the archives of my BLog.
I just deleted a fiery post about me having only six hours this week at work (it's not even a long enough shift to get a lunch break) to say the least I was furious. Currently I am calm enough to separate my common sense from the rage I was feeling when I had originally posted, hence I can explain why I deleted the post, and still vent my frustration at the company and its management.
In short, I am still furious, and prone to stupidity over the course of events... But rational enough to at least attempt damage control. I even had a moment of boredom/stupidity earlier this evening and can thus sit and objectively view things. Somehow I always do better once I have worked the stupidity out of my system.
All that said I'm still pissed at the situation. I just am also feeling rational enough to leave it at that, and not jeopardize other aspects of my life. Hence I am proud of myself.


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