Thursday, August 26, 2004

When you have nothing else, just post a survey

1) Uptown or downtown? Downtown
2) Country or rock 'n roll? Rock n roll
3) Extrovert or introvert? Extrovert, unless its something I should keep to myself
4) Top or bottom? Bottom
5) Timid or brazen? brazen... To the point of being a jackass with no shame
6) Slow and drawn out or fast and furious? Slow and drawn out
7) Pitcher or catcher? Pitcher, its more satisfying
8) Lefty-loose or right-tight? Lefty-loosey
9) Into singin'' in the rain or feelin'' no pain? Singing in the rain, Shawshank Redemption style
10) Prone to bark or meow? Prone to bark, but I can meow just like a real cat.
11) Spiderman or Wolverine? Wolverine
12) Crazy genius or starving artist? Yes
13) Alpha or omega? Omega, I am the end of all things
14) A cool cucumber or a hot pepper? Cool
15) A bowler or a golfer? Golfer, its easier
16) Meat and potatoes or haute cuisine? Meat, just meat
17) livin'' large or laughin'' easy? Laughing easy
18) Catch of the day or house specialty? House specialty
19) Life taker or heart breaker? Heart breaker, its a hobby
20) Red wine or white wine? White, but not shitty white wine.


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