Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Further Prove that I am an optimist with a skewed perspective:

As many of you already know I was fired from Starbucks, for turning my manager into corporate compliance over un-discussable issues...
... Today I was filling my car up with gas, and I found a scratch-off lotto ticket that she had given to me (and all the other partners) as a Christmas gift; the ticket had been played the day I got it, but never turned in for its $1 prize. Now most people would just turn the ticket in and be happy to have a dollar, but not me, the way I see it this ticket has some major karma.... So I am taking it back to the store and trading it for a $25 million, pick six lotto ticket. It's gonna be my Bellini. Wish me luck!

Bellini = noun. Easy job, a sure bet with a big payoff. - a term used by the thugs in 'Welcome to Collinwood'.


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