Tuesday, March 09, 2004

So yeah, yesterday I apparently rambled on about my anger with those who piss me off in a manner similar to Stalin on a bad hair day....

not much to say about it except sorry to those I offended, and those who weren't as entertained by my antics as usual. I wasn't feeling very colorful or I might have come up with something more entertaining than sodomizing with fake plastic house plants (which I might add was redundant). For some reason I've been at a loss for words with the situation, despite my rather verbose post.

in the future I promise that I will put more consideration into my words. Perhaps even use a thesaurus to find more colorful ways of expressing my disgust at a situation... But I was tired and had been on a rant all day and had used all of the good insults earlier. Still its no excuse. So in the spirit of setting things right I propose we all take time to identify those who piss us off in life; and feed their genitalia to a small, rabid pack of chihuahuas. It may not make things better between all of us, but it certainly beats... eh, nothing beats a small, rabid pack of chihuahuas.


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