Monday, August 30, 2004

Eventful weekend

What a weekend, I went through hell just to make it to the end of the week thinking that there was nothing to hope for, and no reason to move forward...

Then, out of the blue, Starbucks threw a going away bash for my old store manager. Man, that was a hell of an event. We went out and bought a hundred plus dollars of alcohol, and some food so no one died, then after the store closed on saturday we partied. TILL 5:10 AM! I played a drinking game that actually entertained me, and got to know some of my co-workers better than I did before.
This part was especially important since for the most part,
the only friends I have that I see are my co-workers.
I suppose it's not really a big deal, but to me this was the highlight of a week that included getting stood up, yelled at, almost fired, betrayed and some other shit... it was like a little sugar with my salt.


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