Monday, March 29, 2004

22 questions... I know it says 'Twenty Questions' but I added two to make it my age.

Twenty Questions

How are you today?
Fine... and how do you do?

Do you like your job?
Starbucks is an ok job, the best job is working with customers, so yeah.

Is it possible to get to know God?
He says 'Hi.', and to make sure that we clean our mess before we leave.

What kind of meat is this?
mmm... turkey, with bacon

What are the best methods of teaching reading?
to encourage imagination. a mind that can entertain itself will read for pleasure.

Where were you born, and where do you live now?
in San Antonio

What does your mom refer to you by?
Shannon, SW, and sometimes baby

What makes someone a "sell-out"?
trading your beliefs for the comforts of being normal

If the World was ending tomorrow, who would you kick it with tonight?
aside from my bestfriend Ana, I'd like to spend time with my friend Esther and her dog... mainly her dog, my friend roach (no drug relation) and perhaps my brother

What book is your Bible? And you can't pick the Bible.
the Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstien

If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry?
yeah, id want some Peroni, and a tiramusu to wash it all down with.

If someone opens fire at a busy McDonalds, which would save more lives -- phoning the police quickly or a couple of armed customers?
Guns! lots of them! and no questions asked if the drive through guy is hit in the crossfire.

People keep writing that in a small group, Al Gore can be charming, natural and witty. How small does the group have to be?
about this big "."

A tiger, its left eye is blind, now, on its left side and right side, each has a pile of grasses, so, which side it will choose?
Does it matter? Tigers don't eat grass.

Do you know any restaurants in London that will serve a vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner?
only americans celebrate thanks giving

Do they have potato chips in Europe? Do they taste the same as ours?
no i think they have fries

Do you sing along to ad jingles?
its just like Britney Spears, only you have to buy shit at the end of the song

What Can You Do for Us That Other Candidates Can't?
i can sleep for extended periods (hibernate?)

What are you wearing?
Karate pants, and nothing else that could stop the fan from cooling me off. (my room is about 82*F)


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