Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Apologies to all who know this story

so a long time ago I met this girl. She was this friendly little dancer, gorgeous, but nothing special without her personality. And after months of being sheepish I finally talked to her. It went well, so we decided to try to go on a date in the future...

I should backtrack a little. (for those of you who don't know the world looks really different from the otherside of an esspresso bar.) everytime she came in I would talk to her while I made her drink. It was always apparent we both sorta liked eachother. But we never talked when I was off the clock. Then I met another cute girl one day when Esther (the first girl, who's name I still didn't know at the time) wasn't at the shop, and I was just getting a cup of coffee. This girl had the worlds coolest dog, a boxer named Nayia (sp?). I think I fell more in love with the dog than the girl... Damn that was a cool dog. So I began to talk to the girl with the dog. After about 2 hours I realized... DUHN DUNH DUHN!!!!
it was Esther.

sorry the last part wasn't important but does make for an interesting twist in the story. So anyways we finally go on our first date after I asked her out in the middle of a rush. I was so happy to hear the word yes that I forgot to ask her phone #. So for a coupla months nothing happened, the date was good, it coulda been spectacular. The entire first part was sweet and romantic and cooler than any teen movie ever created. But almost all of you have heard that part. I just should've quit earlier instead of trying to eat at every closed restaurant in town.
well about a week or so ago, I run into Esther at the store and we begin to talk not really ever mentioning our date fiasco. Turns out, she has a new job out at the end of 281 north (Johnson city to be exact), and she's also breeding her dog sometime in the fall. So I begin to talk about possibly adopting a puppy, and she invites me to come up and visit her at her job, and hang out sometime in the future.
now IM not real sure that I am reading the situtuation right, and frankly I don't care cuz the truck I'm driving till I get my car back cant make it that far. But I want to go visit her once I get my car back. im just not real sure it would be the intelligent thing to do.

sometimes I can be real foolish. I just thought it would be an entertaining story for some of you, and an interesting look into my hear for those of you who don't know much about me.
also worth mentioning today. Ana recently posted the most touching thing anyone has ever said to me, and I am at a total loss for words to respond with, suffice it to say thankyou hardly covers it. I love you too. That is all for now.


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