Friday, April 09, 2004

lots to say...

Wow so many things to say... and im too tired to tell them.
but seeing as I finally have good news, here's a brief list:

I got a 100 on my signlanguage paper. I must say its my best writing in a while... and I also had a short, but good, conversation in sign language with a deaf customer that came into my store on weds.

I finally met a girl that I like, who isn't younger than me.
She's 24 and named Valentin, (yes it's spelled correct) I have no chance at all, but it's a great feeling to get out of the slump I was in. She's a weapons designer for the military, and isn't what anyone could picture me with, but still we talked for several hours tonight. Perhaps that's what makes anything possible. More to come on her as anything develops... Even though I know it wont.

I might finally get my car back... I'm sorry I cant answer questions about what happened till the situation is remedied, the internet isn't a place to freely publish information of sensitive nature. I am also looking at buying a set of nice tires and 17" rims for my car. They are from my friend Jordan's old BMW 3 series and should look great on my car.

Also, I am looking at getting a second job this summer. I want one outside that will help me get stronger, such as working at a plant nursery or other job with heavy lifting involved.

Lastly, I rode bikes with my friend Jordan today... I didn't do great, but I rode better than when I had ridden with Ana. I also did my first real drop today. I think that, with a little practice I could definitely ride with all of them, on the easier trails. Perhaps one day I will even be as hardcore as Ana... But for now I was just happy to not chicken out of the drop only drop I did try; and especially proud of the way I didn't panic both times I almost crashed Jordans bike. Staying calm saved both me and the bike.


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