Saturday, April 03, 2004

So, yeah Shannon is poor.
about that, my birthday is shortly around the corner.

Now before you think im asking for anything. STOP. That's right stop, while I will never turn down the generosity of others that's not why im posting. instead I seek your opinions.
It occurred to me the other day, that I haven't really had a birthday party in a good number of years. And I was thinking about the possibility of having one at my house.... Enter the dilemma, first for those who don't know my parents it would be interesting to see their reaction to my assorted friends, ranging in age from high school freshmen (I think) to college students seeking their 3rd or 4th degrees. My college friends drink (understandably) and when we are together for special occasions, such as a birthday, we have thrown parties requiring a week of recovery and at least one lost person. My high school age friends don't drink, in fact some are so well behaved they scare me.

The redeeming chance to get all of them together lies in the fact that my older friends are, with few exceptions, in the company I work for, and we are beginning a new project the day after my birthday. So its possible, but not plausible, to believe we could throw a party with out serious consequences. But this would also be very little fun.
so should I throw a party? Or not?
either way I still plan on celebrating and a party at my house for everyone, with no alcohol is unacceptable.
My parents would ID everybody at the party and then proceed to kill all the fun even if no minors had alcohol. (I can guarantee that some of my younger, less well behaved friends would drink) I guess the real dilemma is that I want to have my birthday cake and eat it too. See... I really want to see all my friends, but a lot of my friends travel in groups. And a lot of these groups include people I was more than happy to think I would never see again.

Just a clarifaction... If I still talk to you when I see you,
then you are not one of the people I have no wish to see.

At least I have my birthday off from work...


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